Africa Animal Media is a non profit Organization that seek to protect Animals from daily abuses by the people.
This media will focus on Nigeria and Africa to secure a better life for both Companions and Farmed Animals through effective dissemination of information about cruelty to them and horrendous conditions.
The Medium has the ultimate goal of creating positive awareness on Animal safety.
We created these style guidelines for media practitioners in the professions of journalism, entertainment media, advertising, and public relations to offer concrete guidance for how to cover and represent nonhuman animals in a fair, honest, and respectful manner in accordance with professional ethical principles. Given the scope of industrialized animal oppression and environmental crisis globally, we believe fellow animals, as sentient living beings, warrant not only increased attention in media and popular culture, but coverage that encourages human society to transform our relationships with various animal species in ways that foster less domination and exploitation and more respect, care, and ecological responsibility.
The lives and habitats of the world’s animals are largely dependent on the cultural values and worldviews promoted in the media, such as encouraging humans to identify as animals ourselves.